“Pink Sheen”.
Is a high quality interior dressing This Fruity perfumed product leaves a satin finish. Designed to enhance the appearance and colour of plastic, vinyl and rubber surfaces. Safe to use on all plastic surfaces. High gloss or natural sheen can be achieved with this product by simply buffing off. It helps block against UV rays, leaves behind a pleasant smell, is 100% dry to the touch and enriched with a surface sealant to protect and repel dust and dirt.
Clean surface first using “Special S” Multi Purpose Cleaner, then lightly spray “Pink Sheen” on to the surface and buff off with a microfibre cloth, or simply apply to a cloth and wipe on to surface.
For trade orders of 5 litre, 20 litre and 205 litre drums please call 01-8569347
Another quality made product from Car Care Ireland

Hazard statements: EUH208: Contains berry blast. May produce an allergic reaction
PBT: This product is not identified as a PBT/vPvB substance.